
Four Years of Loren's City Council Accomplishments

Loren's Record on Public Safety

While others on the council called for dramatic defunding of police and public safety services, Loren consistently fought against “defunding” public safety services and advocated for police and fire staffing, improving 911 response times, and investing in proven violence prevention programs.

As the architect of the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force, Loren led a community-focused process that explored ways to improve safety through alternative responses. Through input from communities of color disproportionately impacted by violence, it was clear that there was not strong support for reducing sworn officer positions.

The task force found broad agreement on the need to retain essential policing services while also investing more in violence prevention and intervention programs. The task force created a framework for responsive, evidence-based reforms that address both urgent public safety needs and the root causes of violence.

Loren's Record on Economic Development

 Loren worked to expand access to community resources and spur economic development in East Oakland including eliminating race and gender-based contracting disparities, activating under-used property, incubating and growing local entrepreneurs, and securing funding for green spaces and beautification projects.

Loren’s Record on Homelessness & Housing

As Life Enrichment Committee Chair, Loren led the Council’s fight against homelessness and the housing crisis, and championed investments in homelessness prevention and affordable housing development while supporting our unhoused neighbors including securing passage of the city of Oakland’s the Permanent Access to Housing (PATH) framework and the Encampment Management Plan.