Cori Bush Wants to Defund the Police. My Neighbors Have Other Ideas

Loren Taylor, a City Councilman who represents one of the most violent districts of Oakland, was one of two Council members who opposed the $18 million diversion. The other no vote came from the only district in the city with even more crime than his. … Taylor, who told me that twice as many unanswered 911 calls come from predominantly black and Latino East Oakland than the rest of the city, believes he’s fighting for what his constituents want: faster response times and safer streets.

Community Market Reclaiming Space in Deep East Oakland

The Black Cultural Zone (BCZ), in partnership with Oakland City Councilmember Loren Taylor, launched a weekly Sunday market on Sept. 6 in the heart of East Oakland in District 6…Taylor has pushed hard against the notion that East Oaklanders should settle for an either/or mentality. ‘In East Oakland, we deserve nice things and we deserve to be able to stay in the town that we grew up in,’ he said.