About Loren Taylor

Loren Taylor is a proud third-generation son of Oakland, a husband, a father, an engineer, and now a candidate for Mayor. He comes from a family with a history of public and community service and has worked for years to alleviate poverty and expand opportunity in Oakland through his leadership positions in nonprofits, social justice organizations, and on the Oakland City Council. Elected as the District 6 Councilmember in 2018, Loren has been a leader in addressing Oakland’s most difficult challenges, from homelessness to public safety to economic inequality, drawing on his background as an engineer to find new solutions to old problems. He will bring that approach—innovative, progressive and pragmatic—to City Hall every day as Mayor.

Loren lives in East Oakland with his wife, Dr. Erica Taylor, and their two children, Camryn and Manny.

Loren and his immediate family, smiling for portrait

Why I’m Running

As a third-generation son of Oakland, my dedication to waking up every single morning and working towards a better Oakland is deeply personal. My wife Erica and I have chosen to stay and raise our family here because of everything The Town represents: grit and hard work; diversity and equal opportunity for all; creativity and innovation. This is a great and proud city, but too often a focus on what divides us gets in the way of building the Oakland we all deserve––one with economic opportunities in safe and just communities. I’m running for Mayor because we deserve leadership that unites our communities to realize Oakland’s potential, focusing on delivering results rather than rhetoric and making progress rather than politics.